When you are looking for the perfect recipe for a special occasion and you just found it, you know that you will need to weigh some of the ingredients. But one question remains: is a scale imperative to have in your kitchen or you can simply use cups and measuring spoons?

The Pros And Cons Of Weighing


One of the things that you need to keep in mind is that a scale is very useful in a kitchen. However, you don’t need to use it for all ingredients. Ultimately, when you are looking to get very precise with the amount of the ingredients that you need to use, you should definitely get yourself a scale. And if you want to pick a good one, then our advice is to get yourself a digital scale. 

But what are actually the pros and cons of weighing? 

Pros Of Weighing


Ultimately, one of the main benefits of using a scale is that you will get precision. While some recipes may end up great even if you use a bit too much of an ingredient, others demand extreme accuracy. And this can only be given with a scale. 

Discover how many tablespoons in half a cup.

Another major benefit of using a scale is that it may be a lot easier to prepare a recipe especially when you need to prepare one for a lot of people. For example, it’s a lot easier to simply measure 3200 grams of sugar than it is to measure out 16 cups. The reality is that you may even lose your count and need to start over. And this is a complete waste of time. 

One of the things that many people don’t know is that there are some ingredients that are tougher to measure by volume than others. One of these ingredients is coconut. After all, it can be packed very tightly or very loosely. So, when you are looking for accuracy and precision, using a scale is the right way to go. 

Looking to know how many tablespoons in a half a cup?

In addition to all the benefits that we already mentioned above, you need to keep in mind that while a gram s a gram, a pound is a pound, and an ounce is an ounce, a tablespoon is not always a tablespoon. And the same goes for a cup. Or for half a spoon or for half a cup. Add to this the fact that you probably have different measuring cups and different measurement tablespoons made from different manufacturers at home. In case you never noticed it, they are, in most cases, different. So, what may end up being a great recipe with one cup or with one tablespoon, it may end up completely wrong with a different tablespoon or a different cup that you have at home. 

Ultimately there is no system in place that regulates the size of measuring spoons or measuring cups. While there are some basic rules that you can follow, using different sets of cups and spoons is a common mistake. 

How many tablespoons in a half cup?

Cons Of Weighing


Notice that you shouldn’t get rid of al your tablespoons and measuring cups. They are and they can be useful in some cases. But you should try to only have one set of each. This way, you will be measuring your ingredients always with the same set and this ensures that your recipes will always turn well in the end.