If you are trying to convert 38 tablespoons to cups you are in the right place. You might also be asking: “how many 38 tablespoons are in a cup?”. If you did not know, tablespoon is abbreviated as tbsp. Therefore we are going to show how to convert 38 tbsp to cups. For now you can use this tbsp to cups converter calculator below for any tablespoon to cups conversion:. 

If you are looking to quickly convert 38 tbsp  to cups then the the answer is: 

2.375 CUPS

How to convert 38 tablespoons to cups?

Method 1: Divide by 16

The calculation for converting tablespoons to cups is straightforward. There are two methods you can use to convert 38 tbsp to cups. Since one cup equals 16 tbsp you just need to divide the number of tablespoons you are trying to convert by 16. Here is the formula:

38 ÷16 = 2.375

That’s it. It is this simple.

Method 2: Multiply by 0.0625

Since there are 0.0625 cups per tablespoon you can multiply the number tablespoons you are trying to convert by 0.0625. Therefore, multiply 38  by 0.0625. Here is the formula:

38 x 0.0625 = 2.375

Now you might be asking what is  0.0625. Let’s explain. There are 16 tablespoons per 1 cup. Therefore, 1 tablespoon is 1/16 part of a cup or 1÷16=0.0625.

In case you need to do a reverse conversion from cups to tablespoons use the converter below

If you are looking for information on tablespoons to cups conversion check out tbsp to cups conversion page

Please check out howmanytablespoons.com where we add educational information related to tablespoon conversions.

Find the most common tablespoons(tbsp) to cups conversions in the table below:

1 0.0625 34 2.125 67 4.1875
2 0.125 35 2.1875 68 4.25
3 0.1875 36 2.25 69 4.3125
4 0.25 37 2.3125 70 4.375
5 0.3125 38 2.375 71 4.4375
6 0.375 39 2.4375 72 4.5
7 0.4375 40 2.5 73 4.5625
8 0.5 41 2.5625 74 4.625
9 0.5625 42 2.625 75 4.6875
10 0.625 43 2.6875 76 4.75
11 0.6875 44 2.75 77 4.8125
12 0.75 45 2.8125 78 4.875
13 0.8125 46 2.875 79 4.9375
14 0.875 47 2.9375 80 5
15 0.9375 48 3 81 5.0625
16 1 49 3.0625 82 5.125
17 1.0625 50 3.125 83 5.1875
18 1.125 51 3.1875 84 5.25
19 1.1875 52 3.25 85 5.3125
20 1.25 53 3.3125 86 5.375
21 1.3125 54 3.375 87 5.4375
22 1.375 55 3.4375 88 5.5
23 1.4375 56 3.5 89 5.5625
24 1.5 57 3.5625 90 5.625
25 1.5625 58 3.625 91 5.6875
26 1.625 59 3.6875 92 5.75
27 1.6875 60 3.75 93 5.8125
28 1.75 61 3.8125 94 5.875
29 1.8125 62 3.875 95 5.9375
30 1.875 63 3.9375 96 6
31 1.9375 64 4 97 6.0625
32 2 65 4.0625 98 6.125
33 2.0625 66 4.125 99 6.1875